Monday, July 28, 2008

Addicted to Forums!

EBB forums makes me crazy!

i cant sleep!

i just want to stare at the monitor waiting for posts

and then ill reply to that post

and reply and reply

all over again OMG!

hope to meet these wonderful ladies!

Im awake Im awake!

i cant sleep!

what will i do?

turn on the tv?

turn on the radio?

read books?

jump 10 times?

stay on the floor?


Sunday, July 27, 2008

my ten tips to avoid getting bored at home

this ten tips are very useful because i always do it almost everyday :)))))

1) sleep as long as you can, if you feel like you cannot close your eyes anymore wake your butt up.

2) eat plenty so you can feel sleepy again, xDD

3) even you are not a book lover try to read books. time moves faster while you read. because you're enjoying the book you are reading. especially dictionary!!!

4) watch tv!!!! maximum time 8 hours! :))))) hell yeah your boredom will fade!

5) walk around your house , find something interesting e.g. explore your storage room, you might see extraordinary things there :))))

6) get your guitar, play your favorite songs, or grab your song books and try to play the music you want , if you dont know how to play the guitar, try to LEARN! xDDDD LOL

7) turn on your pc, play all the music you want to hear!!! set the volume to the maximum!!! if you dont have a pc turn on your radio and if you dont have a radio your stupid :)))

8) wash the plates clean your clothes sweep the floor :)))))))

9) play with your dog

10) open your mind, and think for some pleasurable things xDDDDD

this ten tips are effective! i promise! hell yeah!